Friday, October 21, 2005

Halloween is for the Dogs

Trick or Treating isn't just for kids any more! This year celebrate Halloween with your dog. You can get him costumes [if he will wear one], treats [all dogs love treats --- and if you treat him he won't trick you], and of course toys! What better treat is there for a dog than to sink his teeth into his favorite toy?

And this year one of his favorite toys might just turn out to be one of your favorite toys too. Multipet's Talking Halloween toys are the best. When either your or your dog squeezes the right spot on the toy it will say a fun Halloween inspired phrase. Each toys says something different so you may wish to pick up more than one!

There's a ghost, devil, grim reaper, black cat, witch, frankenstein and vampire. All are equally fun. But hurry the supplies always run short this time of year and you don't want to miss out on these fun toys [but if you do there is always next year!

Not to worry small dogs and puppies can have fun too! [but their toys only have squeakers no voice boxes]

Head over to to find the Halloween toy that is right for your dog!